cadeau hoezo

Press media

Below you find our press media. Highres images are downloadable and free of rights, in case the museum name and context are mentioned.

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'Hélène', sculptuur, 2023, Hans Op de Beeck

Furoshiki - The Tropenmuseum developed a version especially for the exhibition with Musubi, the Japanese producer of these wrapping cloths.

Overview photo room with theme Slavery. Photo: Rick Mandoeng

Claire Fontaine
Untitled (Someone is getting rich)
Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Neu, Berlin

Wereldmuseum Amsterdam building

Exhibition What's the Story. Photo: Tropenmuseum.

Two hundred-year-old wooden toothbrush from Japan. The other end is pointed, to serve as a toothpick. RV-1-1743-B

Portrait Marian. Photo: David Vroom

Overview photo of the room with theme slavery. In this photo a selection of instruments incorporated into a soundpiece by artist Vernon Chatlein. Photo: Rick Mandoeng

Plastic toys from all over the world. From a LEGO spaceship to a toy robot from the movie Thunder Hawks and a green chariot from the Pandavas. Photo: Rick Mandoeng.