cadeau hoezo

Press media

Below you find our press media. Highres images are downloadable and free of rights, in case the museum name and context are mentioned.

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Wereldmuseum Amsterdam building

Weaponry Myōchin Munechika; Japan; 1855; RV-360-7749

Detail from the room Wealth from overseas, on display in Our colonial inheritance. Photo: Rick Mandoeng

Bicycle taxis, cars and a tram at the intersection in front of the office of the International Credit and Trade Association "Rotterdam". Surabaya, between 1953 and 1960. Photo: NMVW Collection.

Embracing All Prerna Dangi, Irene Yee, @ladylockoff

Rijasolo, Madagascar, Terminus of Cyclones

A brightly coloured Bilum bag from Papua New Guinea. Tanned in individual style. Bilums were traditionally made only from vegetable materials. In the last seventy years with plastic, acrylic and wool. 7126-5

Image Divas: Inspiration and immersion in Arab music and cinema
Photographer: Rick Mandoeng

Exhibition Things That Matter. Photo: Tropenmuseum.

Oldest banjo known from the Americas. This specimen was made by an enslaved person in Suriname and was collected by Stedman in the 1770's. RV-360-5696

Ganesha beeld. Eén van de vier Singosaribeelden. Foto: NMVW

Sabine Groenewegen
Fotograaf: Ilvy Njiokiktjien